Originally Posted By: the_mehmaster
How many textures does that model use? at what resolutions?

[EDIT] Ah. I checked your post history, and apparently, that model has 96(!!) skins. That is your problem, i think.

For anyone else:

Thanks ! I try another model with same vertices, same faces and only one skin !
But it was very slow (8FPS), too.
The Resolution is 800x600, My VGA card is FX 5200 128 MB 128 Bit frown (it produced after 2004 ) !

Originally Posted By: the_clown
Oh, and shade-c doesn't come with 3dgs. It's a free shader system. You can find it here:


Could be that there is a newer versionEDIT: Oh, wait, is that just the demo....?

Thanks !
I will try it !