A pro-atheist one even!

Anyway, maybe ye believers can help me clear up some questions:

For example. If I recall correctly (and if I don't, just ignore this part completely and recite me the story how it really went) when Adam and Eve were in paradise, there was this nice big apple tree somewhere in that garden (maybe even the center?), with (golden?) apples that for some super awesome reason would give you some kind of knowledge or something. Anyway, god really didn't want Mr. and Mrs. First-Of-Their-Kind to eat from that apple because its Evil!(TM). He even warns them every now and then and they never think about that silly tree again. Then some snake comes along (mind you, a TALKING snake, how awesome is that?!) and convinces Mrs. Eve to eat an apple, or take a bite, or whatever. God promptly punishes then, throws them out of paradise and through some miracle they manage to produce millions of children that have different DNA all over the world without a single prospect of any deformity by having incest. Now how awesome must their DNA have been to take all those generations without deteriorating?

Anyway, why would such a loving benelovent god put that damn fucking tree down there anyway, if it was so imperative for them NOT TO EAT APPLES FROM THAT DAMN TREE, why did he create that tree AT ALL? Yes, yes, free will bla bla. Lets take this example:

If I had children (let's talk about babies here) I wouldn't put a loaded 9mm handgun in the midst of their toys. But let's assume I did, and I tell them vigorously not to play with that thing. Eventually they will toy around with it and somebody gets hurt. Yes, my babies have a damn free will, but why would I go and test if they do what daddy says by placing something dangerous in their midst? The reasoning somehow eludes me.

Let's jump to my second question here:

All those stars up in the sky. Scientists have already proven that those stars are real and not shiny angels or little light bulbs screwed on, on some ginormous 360° panorama sphere.

Now there are millions of galaxies, each featuring billions of stars with a couple dozen of planets around them.

Now why the hell would god create such a gigantic universe if the only people who believe in THE god, the ultimative, unquestionable, omniscient, omnipotent ubermensch/god being, live on earth, why would there be so many planets out there?

Was he bored or something? Maybe he wants people to go out and settle on that planets... but no wait! A little logic error, sorry, to get there we need science, now silly me, how could I ever think of that!

Maybe at some point in time God will provide us with a Faith-Highway to other planets. Yes, that sounds much more likely.

And what if some day little blue/green/pink men/women from some other planet come to visit and they tell you they believe in "CHOPSTICK!". Who is to say that they are wrong and that YOU, and yes ONLY YOU(!) are right. That GOD ("Father", being his more concrete name I presume?) is infact THE god.

Why is it absolutely not possible that you believe in the wrong god? Who is to say that maybe CHOPSTICK! is the real uber-deity after all, and that the bible you are reading now was their bible sent to earth, but there were some little translation errors on the way. After all, nobody's perfect.

I'm really curious... Please endulge me!

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku