I have seen several multiplayer shooter demos here.
(just search trough the multiplayer forum)
Made myself two shooters before, one with native GS multiplayer, and one with GSTNet.

Its still a paint to set up to get it work right.

But I dont see much motivation working on multiplayer shooters.
You put a lot of work into it, and (apart from some beta-tests)
noone is playing it, as there simply is a lack of
people online to play with.

Thats the crux with multiplayer:
its a lot of work and testing, and (unless you make a really
impressive game with a player fanbase) noone will use it.

I would rather work on a non-paralel / sequencial multiplayer game.
-> Meaning, a game that can be played player to player
without the needs that the other player is online at the same time. When the player logs in, he gets previous events, highscores and
actions of other players to compete against.

But it does not work with shooters then obviously.