Originally Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

If I had children (let's talk about babies here) I wouldn't put a loaded 9mm handgun in the midst of their toys. But let's assume I did, and I tell them vigorously not to play with that thing. Eventually they will toy around with it and somebody gets hurt. Yes, my babies have a damn free will, but why would I go and test if they do what daddy says by placing something dangerous in their midst? The reasoning somehow eludes me.

Hi Michael, hey nice avatar you got these days. grin

Well, just for fun i'll answer these things. lol smile

The bible says that a man and a woman was created, and not children. lol Therefore, they are old enough to know right from wrong, while for a child, then that might be a tougher decision. grin

The entire story about the "garden of eden" mirrors all of our personal lives. We all live and we all have choices. But, we are all constantly being tempted by un-seen forces. At least adam and eve saw their foe in the form of a snake, but we do not see, but only hear in our little heads their talk.

Anyway, why would such a loving benelovent god put that damn fucking tree down there anyway, if it was so imperative for them NOT TO EAT APPLES FROM THAT DAMN TREE, why did he create that tree AT ALL? Yes, yes, free will bla bla. Lets take this example:

Then some snake comes along (mind you, a TALKING snake, how awesome is that?!) and convinces Mrs. Eve to eat an apple, or take a bite, or whatever. God promptly punishes then, throws them out of paradise
The entire "paradise" scenario is a mirror of heaven. They listened to the devil and were booted out and we are the same. We listen to un-seen angels and are also booted out from heaven or paradise. I'm not trying to explain away the genesis story, but only to say that it is for us to realize and know the pathway to life eternal in heaven.

Now why the hell would god create such a gigantic universe if the only people who believe in THE god, the ultimative, unquestionable, omniscient, omnipotent ubermensch/god being, live on earth, why would there be so many planets out there?
The whole thing is for you and me. If you wait for the green martians, then you will wait for a long time. All those stars reflect the majesty of God and they just light up the sky for you and me. That's it. lol amazing. grin

ou are reading now was their bible sent to earth, but there were some little translation errors on the way. After all, nobody's perfect.
The bible's oldest piece, which is the "old testament" can be proven to be near 100% accurate, by simply comparing the DEAD SEA SCROLLS to a newer bible today.

Found from 1947 - 1956, these ancient scrolls detail precisely and more than prove the bibles accuracy. Click on the link below.

All it takes is for a scholar to compare the ancient Hebrew to the modern english language and compare to see if any errors are present.

Unfortunately for all the atheist of the world, <sorry guys> these newly founded scrolls just showed the bible's many translations to be a proven fact.
The bible, therefore, is the most accurate ancient book ever!
Even more than shakespere's works actually.

Oh, but trust me, if they were proven in-accurate after the scrolls were found, then you would hear about it on every darwin-atheist site already on the internet. haha! laugh

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