Nope, you're wrong, it ís based on laws, laws within the realm of our scientific knowledge. I already emphasized how science doesn't pretend to have absolute knowledge.

There's a good bunch of scientific laws that can be considered quite absolute, like the laws of physics (gravity and so on), considering the overwhelming amount of evidence.

Again, contrary to the belief in science, faith is belief despite the absence of proof.

The idea violates a very old law of science: Life can only be produced by other life.

I don't see any violation. After all, aren't we life? If we succeed making new life in a laboratory, we would still be producing life, whilst being life.

In fact, it's really not that far fetched to think that one day we will be able to create life. There are already countless of research projects going on about growing back limps and so on, very advanced biological research on the edge of sci-fi. By the time we've figured out how the actual code instructions work, we'd be building new life in no time. wink

Science is to explain the "how", and religion can explain the "why".

Religion gives no answer to the "why" questions at all. For example, 'why' does God exist? 'Why' do we exist?

Don't give me that 'to serve God' crap for an answer here either as that's pretty much ridiculous. A philosophical concept being the reason behind a philosophical concept hardly makes sense, right?

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