For at least 20 years (i am now 56 years old and retired, so i have much time now) i have been looking at this and other things, and my own personal conclusion is that what we are presented is a hoax.

My main interest is where all the money goes, and i have realised that there is a secondary project that is highly secret. Now this sends shivers down my back, for anything kept secret from the people, has to be not very good.

This led me to realise the recurring catastrophes that happen on Earth, almost like clockwork. All older civilisations have recorded these recurring catastrophes, where ice blocks fall from the sky, animals and all sorts of things that one does not expect to be fallig from the sky. Then earthquakes, tsunamis adverse weather, you can read these things in all records of older civilisations. They all record the same things in their writings.

Then i discovered nibiru or planet x as nasa call it. This is highly disturbing that this would be kept from humankind. But my own personal research has convinced me that something is approaching the earth that is being kept secret from the mainstream.

All the underground bases being built, all the food and supplies that is stored at many places underground, whole cities underground, when one hears of these things singly, it does not make much sense and is easy to disregard. But put them all together and a story starts to emerge that is highly probable.

For those of you who are curious, there is masses of information available, some just too fantastic, others serious and factual, and it is up to you to decide for yourselves.

I remember when i first heard of these things, i was highly skeptical, but as time went on and i read more and more records of older civilisations, i realise NOTHING is what it seems to be, there is a great illusion being spun today and only a select few know the full truth of what is going on.

Sadly there is no comfort i can offer anybody, except to say try to enjoy your lives, for my research tells me that it will be bad.

But according to older writings, there have always been survivors, and will always be, else we would not have any knowledge of these things today.

Whether that is a blessing or curse, well its a blessing if something can be done to minimise the destruction and loss of life, but a curse if nothing can be done.

We all know that the so called elite will not have any problems with trying to save themselves, along with some others, for an elite cannot be an elite if there is no one else around for them to be elitist to.

How much DNA is being stored today, possibly for the re-seeding of Earth?
There are so many questions and so few answers, or so much deception. They are not many older people that have any faith in any governments, and increasingly many younger ones are losing this faith, if they ever had it.

Anyway, live your life to the full is all i can say to anyone, do the things that bring you joy, as long as you don't take joy from others. Dont get depressed, except to find yourself, (depression is where you take a good look at and meet yourself), then get on with YOUR life, not with the life that government and politics determine for you.

Be good.

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