The whole conspiracy business is not really about facts or issues like radiation it is most of the time in its core anti-american or anti-zionist. Nobody talks about the robot mission of the russians to the moon which also brought back material, in the case of the moon landing it isn't so sinister but there are other conspiracies like the 9/11 one which try to undermine the very bases of our democracies.

I was ones also into these theories especially the 9/11 one, but when you realize that behind most of those theories there are people who are antisemitic and also terrorists supporters who have no other goal than to destroy western culture you really get to the real issues. The USA is a major success story and it became the most powerful nation on earth and thats what all those conspiracies really try to destroy..

And the thing that is really worrying that this anti-american and anti-zionists propaganda is going around the middle east for quite a long time now. Blaming the United States for all the evil in the world has become a major business not just of terrorists but also western conspiracy nuts.