Yeah, still going to need a lot of work. It's hard for me to know exactly how to model his extra gear and stuff. Information can be rather limited and conflicting. Guess I'll have to buy more books, lol. I'm also going to need to do quite a bit of tweaking to make the uniform look authentic. This is just his basic "form", if you will. I think I can handle UV mapping him, but the skinning seems daunting. I'm worried I won't be able to make a realistic looking skin, especially for the face. Never skinned characters before. Only stuff like planes and tanks, and some simple things.

We really need more people to do things like this, because even if I was a "pro", that's still less time I get to spend programming. :P It's just hard to find people willing to work with you, as most people have projects of their own anyway, and the old "Hi, we're making a game..." pitch is rarely taken seriously, lol. I think our future is bright though. When we're done with this demo, we should be able to get people to take it seriously enough to join in. Beyond this, we're going for an MMO version covering virtually all of North Africa's battlefields, and probably Europe next. If A7 can't meet our needs at that point, I'd gladly license something like the new S.O.W. engine. It will have to start small, but once we get a little subscriber base, we'll have some more money to hire more people and expand the horizons. I have 100% confidence our game will be better than WWIIOL, which is a relatively poorly made MMO that still has a good subscriber base (due to the total lack of WWII MMOs). We'll probably "steal" most of their customers at first glance, lol. I couldn't say with any true certainly WHEN it will take off, but I'm sure it eventually WILL. All depends on how long it takes to get the workers. We've been planning it for a while, and will pursue our goals till our dying breath. smile