Thanks for all the feedback, guys. I know, it needs some "cleanup" to get rid of excess polies. I really just wanted to know if this was good enough to keep working at, or if I should give up. smile So I'm glad everyone thinks it can be used with some more work and improvement.

I'll also post some wireframe shots so you can see how geometry fits together. I'm just going to take my time with this, and try not to rush. If I get in a hurry, I'll end up spoiling it, lol.

@ ryan:

No, 1000 polies could never look like that. The helmet alone is close to 600 something. I'd have to double check. I built the helmet a while back, and spent a lot of time on it. That was as low as it could go without making it look fake and boxy. Our vehicle modeler is EXTREMELY picky, and even he approved my helmet. smile

Last edited by Jaeger; 07/20/09 17:55.