
I thought, search for the "place gras on terrain code", cause i want
create the same like Sputnicker.

My problem:
The definition of COLOR to create the colormap with green channel.(function place_grass())
If i want define this line, my menue wont work-.-and i can t press anyone
to start my game.
What to do?
Help pls.
(place_tree function cleared)


Ich dacht mir, ich kram den Thread mal raus...da ich das selbe erreichen
moechte wie der Threadersteller.

Mein problem ist die definition COLOR damit RGB code der
farbkarte funktioniert.(function place_grass())
Definiere ich das allerdings, funktioniet mein menue code nicht mehr.
(z.B. kann ich keine panels mehr anklicken).
und ohne COLOR definition gehts nicht-.-
(Place_tree function entfernt...)

Bin natuerlich nicht weiter mit dem uebersetzen
gekommen.Aber bis dahin scheint alles zu funktionieren.
Viell. mal die _startup definition entfernen?!

function generate_grass_startup();
function color_map();
function place_grass();
function weaving_grass();

var skin_size_x; // Skin groesse an der -
var skin_size_y; // x,y achse

STRING* grass1_mdl = "grass1.mdl";
STRING* grass2_mdl = "grass2.mdl";
STRING* colormap_tga = "Colormap.tga";

BMAP* vegetation_map;

ENTITY* terrain1 = "test_terrain_unreal1.hmp";

#define grass_area skill1 // Gras um den Player 
#define grass_dist skill2 // Distance zwischen 2 Grasmodellen

// uses grass_area, grass_dist
action my_terrain()
	if (my.grass_area == 0) {my.grass_area = 500;} // default grass um den Player
	if (my.grass_dist == 0) {my.grass_dist = 50;} // default gras distanz zw. 2 modellen
	terrain1 = my;
	my.push = 3; // Terrain nicht durchdringen

function generate_grass_startup()
	max_entities = 1000;
	wait (3); // wait until the level is loaded
	VECTOR grass_pos;
	var grass_id = 1;
	VECTOR grass_coords;
	ent_create (colormap_tga, nullvector, color_map); // erstelle colormap
	while ((player == NULL) || (terrain1 == NULL) || (vegetation_map == NULL)) {wait (1);}
	grass_pos.x = player.x - terrain1.grass_area; // setzte Grass position
	grass_pos.y = player.y - terrain1.grass_area; // um den Spieler
	grass_pos.z = terrain1.z + 400; // richtung Himmel
	grass_coords.x = grass_pos.x;	
	grass_coords.y = grass_pos.y;
	while (grass_coords.x < player.x + terrain1.grass_area)
		grass_pos.y = grass_coords.y + (random(0.2 * terrain1.grass_dist) - 0.4 * terrain1.grass_dist);
		grass_pos.x = grass_coords.x + (random(0.2 * terrain1.grass_dist) - 0.4 * terrain1.grass_dist);
		if (random (1) > 0.1)
			you = ent_create (grass1_mdl, grass_pos.x, place_grass);
			you = ent_create (grass2_mdl, grass_pos.x, place_grass);

		you.skill1 = grass_id; 
		grass_id %= 10;
		grass_id += 1;
		grass_coords.y += terrain1.grass_dist;
		if (grass_coords.y > (player.y + terrain1.grass_area))
			grass_coords.x += terrain1.grass_dist;
			grass_coords.y = player.y - terrain1.grass_area;
function color_map()
 	vegetation_map = bmap_for_entity (my, 0);
	skin_size_x = bmap_width (vegetation_map); // get the size of the color map (same with the skin of the terrain)
	skin_size_y = bmap_height (vegetation_map); // on the x and y axis
function place_grass()
	COLOR pixel_color;
	var format;
	var pixel;
	var coords_x;
	var coords_y;
	VECTOR temp5;
	my.scale_x += 0.1 - random(2) / 10;
	my.scale_y = my.scale_x;
	my.scale_z = my.scale_x;
	my.push = 2;
	while (player != NULL)
		//temp = random(10);
		//wait (temp); // spread the cpu load over 10 consecutive frames
		my.alpha = minv (100, (10000 / ((vec_dist(player.x, my.x) + 1)))); // play with 10000
		my.x = cycle(my.x, camera.x - terrain1.grass_area, camera.x + terrain1.grass_area); // wrap the grass around player's position
		my.y = cycle(my.y, camera.y - terrain1.grass_area, camera.y + terrain1.grass_area); // on the x and y axis
		my.z = terrain1.z + 400; // and place it up high in the sky
		vec_set(temp5.x, my.x);
		temp5.z -= 10000;
		my.skill10 = c_trace (my.x, temp.x, IGNORE_SPRITES | IGNORE_PASSABLE | IGNORE_PUSH);
		// the tracing ray has hit the terrain? (not the surrounding hollowed cube)
		if ((trace_hit != 0) && (you != NULL)) 
			coords_x = (my.x - terrain1.min_x) / ((terrain1.max_x - terrain1.min_x) / skin_size_x); // get the coordinates of the current pixel
			coords_y = (terrain1.max_y - my.y) / ((terrain1.max_y - terrain1.min_y) / skin_size_y); // on x and y
			format = bmap_lock (vegetation_map, 0);
			pixel = pixel_for_bmap(vegetation_map, coords_x, coords_y);
			pixel_to_vec (pixel_color, NULL, format, pixel); // store the color of the pixel in pixel_color 
			bmap_unlock (vegetation_map);
			// detected a green area on the color map bitmap?
			if (pixel_color.green == 255)
				my.z -= my.skill10 - 1; // then place a grass model on the ground (skill10 was used to store the result of the c_trace operation)
				vec_to_angle (my.pan, normal); // and align it properly
				my.tilt -= 90;
				reset(my, INVISIBLE);
			else // this isn't a green pixel on the color map?
				set(my, INVISIBLE);
		wait (1);

function weaving_grass()
	var grass_angles;
	var grass_speed;
	grass_speed = 2 + random(5);
	while (1)
		grass_angles += grass_speed * time_step; // allow the grass to weave
		my.roll += 0.02 * sin(grass_angles);
		wait (1);

Last edited by Ayumi; 07/27/09 03:05.