
I must be doing really stupid but i cannot make my button respond to a click. This is the code

function test(button_number,panel)

PANEL* pTest =
pos_x = 10; pos_y = 10;
size_x = 150; size_y = 300;

button(10, 10, "boton2.bmp", "boton1.bmp", NULL, test, NULL, NULL);

red = 128;
green = 128;
blue = 128;
flags = LIGHT | VISIBLE;

The button is there but it never calls the test() function, also it never changes to bmapOn. I tried setting panel and button possition to 0 but does not work. Also I defined the function like this but it did not help.
function test()

i cannot really see what i am doing wrong. thanks


Last edited by enrike; 07/24/09 12:02.