My screen is still not large. I see about 30 lines in my screen. Perhaps that's indeed the reason why I prefer brackets in front of statements.

I prefer to attach the ( to an if, because it looks more like the statement is part of the if, like encapulated. I think very visual in these styles. It's like a tiny machine that holds content, and processes it.

I wouldn't mind a language made out of ascii art grin

if( a + b = c ) {

[(> a + b = c <)]::>

There are actually common rules for markup, though not strictly followed.

Classes and constants get a capital letter:
class HelloYou {};
const int HelloYou;

Variables and methods a small letter:
int helloYou;
void helloYou();

Header definitions all capital:
#ifndef __HELLOYOU_HPP__
#define __HELLOYOU_HPP__

and I'm sure there are more which I can't think of right now.

I tend to use an underscore _ when names consist of categories and a function description.

void playerInventoryItem_create();
void enemyWeapon_remove();

Last edited by Joozey; 07/28/09 15:52.

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