Originally Posted By: Machinery_Frank
Hm, Joozey and Michael, if you love spaces then you should be consequent and use them after every bracket and after tags like "if":

displayNumber( arg, 14, 23 );
  if( arg < 10 ) { ...

should consequently be:

displayNumber ( arg, 14, 23 );
  if ( arg < 10 ) { ...

I personally think that it does not help and the eye has to move too much to get the info.

That would be overkill. I just want variables separated from operators, and arguments separated so you can "count" them quickly.

Originally Posted By: DJBMASTER
What notation you guys prefer when you're defining variables/functions...

1) foo_bar
2) FooBar
3) fooBar

I prefer the first one for variables, but always use the second one (Pascal notation) for functions.

Also does anyone prefer the ternary operator to if/else? I hardly use it.

Depends, as we have no "IntelliSense" in SED like in Visual Studio, I use different naming conventions for c-script than I use in C# using visual studio.

example from c-script:

function vDialogReadFrom(sFilename)
    if(ibDialogInProgress == true){ return; } else { ibDialogInProgress = true; }
    sysDialogHandle = file_open_read(sFilename);
    while(file_str_readto(sysDialogHandle, sDialogCurIn, sDialogDelimiter, 1000) != -1)

the prefixes:

v - void
s - string
sys - something engine internal, like file handles
ib - internal boolean


helps while reading the code, you know exactly what variable stores what kind of information.

"Sometimes JCL reminds me of Notch, but more competent" ~ Kiyaku