We are working on a game project and we are using the A7.77 commercial version of the engine.We are having a problem with publishing a game.I have tried publishing both in the commercial and pro version of the engine but it gives me the same problem.The game studio support people asked me to move the game folder to My Documents and then try(which i did) but still face the same problem.Even the Projects provided with Game Studio like Car level and Shader test fail to publish and give the same error.
Im sure it is a problem with the engine version as the Car level and Shader test programs publish using other versions of the engine like 7.22.

When i publish the main file the following message pops up.

Project Files:
1. gamemain.c
2. acknex.h
3. litec.h
4. compat.h
5. atypes.h
6. afuncs.h
7. avars.h
8. default.c
9. stdio.h
10. d3d9.h
11. windows.h
12. mtlview.c
13. pp_blur.fx
14. pp_bloomblur.fx
15. pp_gaussian.fx
16. pp_dilate.fx
17. pp_displace.fx
18. pp_erode.fx
19. pp_kuwahara.fx
20. pp_median.fx
21. pp_sharpen.fx
22. pp_sharpen2.fx
23. pp_bleach.fx
24. pp_desaturate.fx
25. pp_sepia.fx
26. pp_monochrome.fx
27. pp_negative.fx
28. pp_colorshift.fx
29. pp_colorspin.fx
30. pp_emboss.fx
31. pp_laplace.fx
32. pp_sobel.fx
33. pp_posterize.fx
34. pp_lens.fx
35. pp_bias.fx
36. st_stencilBlur.fx
37. mtlFX.c
38. default.fx
39. skycube+6.tga
40. bump.fx
41. specBump.fx
42. parallax.fx
43. specParallax.fx
44. pom.fx
45. specPom.fx
46. toon.fx
47. gooch.fx
48. chrome.dds
49. chrome.fx
50. chromebump.fx
51. envglass.fx
52. envglassbump.fx
53. envMap.fx
54. envBump.fx
55. terraintex3.fx
56. rock.tga
57. sand.tga
58. grass.tga
59. terraintex.fx
60. water.dds
61. envwater.fx
62. waterEnv.fx
63. waterMirror.fx
64. floorMirror.fx
65. mirrorWater.fx
66. mirrorFloor.fx
67. turbulence.fx
68. treeWindAnimation.fx
69. lightCount.fx
70. sc_core.c
71. sc_core.h
72. sc_dof.h
73. sc_depth.fx
74. sc_dofDownsample.fx
75. sc_dofHBlur.fx
76. sc_dofVBlur.fx
77. sc_dof.fx
78. sc_water.h
79. sc_waterFresnel.bmp
80. sc_water.fx
81. sc_dof.c
82. sc_water.c
83. GameMaterials.h
84. ColourCorrection.fx
85. ball_detail.tga
86. BallMaterial.fx
87. LocalSettings.c
88. lightingtest.wmb
89. GameConstants.h
90. DebugText.c
91. DebugText.h
92. Time.h
93. Quaternion.h
94. Time.c
95. Quaternion.c
96. GameInput.c
97. X360Base.c
98. X360Base.h
99. xinput.h
100. GameInput.h
101. GameMetrics.c
102. GameMetrics.h
103. Player.h
104. Scoring.h
105. ScoreConstants.h
106. HelpText.h
107. WelcomeMSG.tga
108. BlueMSG.tga
109. YellowMSG.tga
110. RedMSG.tga
111. CheckpointMSG.tga
112. SuperModeMSG.tga
113. HUD.h
114. Metrics.txt
115. Camera.c
116. Camera.h
117. Player.c
118. GameAudio.h
119. background_music.wav
120. bounce.wav
121. jump.wav
122. engine.wav
123. stick.wav
124. red_pickup.wav
125. yellow_pickup.wav
126. blue_pickup.wav
127. respawn.wav
128. GameAudio.c
129. GameParticleEffects.c
130. Particle.h
131. Particle.c
132. Utility.h
133. Splat.tga
134. TriggerVolumes.c
135. TriggerVolumes.h
136. GSVector.h
137. Wind.c
138. Wind.h
139. Rain.c
140. Rain.h
141. Checkpoint.c
142. EntityScripts.c
143. Utility.c
144. HUD.c
145. ColourMixing.c
146. MixY1.bmp
147. MixY2.bmp
148. MixY3.bmp
149. MixY4.bmp
150. Scoring.c
151. DebugCommands.c
152. ball.mdl
153. sky_day2_small+6.tga
1.Skipped: C:\Documents and Settings\s203565\Desktop\Color Scheme Source\acknex.wdf
2.C:\Program Files\GStudio7\d3dx9_30.dll

subdirectory created:
c:\documents and settings\s203565\desktop\color scheme source\gamemain.cd\

Any suggestions or feedback of how to solve this would be greatly appreciated.

Team noobeez.Representing India at the Dare to be Digital Competition in Dundee,Scotland.We are making a 3d platformer called "Colour Scheme".