C#... Simply awesome...

We just got started with a new engine, and it supports every .NET language. It's primarily geared towards C#, so I made the obvious choice to get into C#. So I decided to patrol some familiar territory first, and started reading the VC# doco and playing around with windows form applications. I already had a lot of experience with C/C++ under .NET, and I found the familiarity comforting. It made the "Java-esque" things easier to stomach and learn. Well, I've virtually gotten to the brink of mastering the intermediate concepts of C#. It's been such a smooth transition, that I can do virtually everything I could with C++ by using a little help from online or the documentation. And it's freakin fast to write with! Most people can nearly double their speed from C++ with C#. It's extremely well encapsulated, smooth, and safe. At first, the system of object/method and memory protection might seem daunting, but you'll learn to appreciate how powerful and rewarding it is.

So hands down, go with C#. Unless you have virtually no experience with "higher" languages, and feel like you wouldn't be able to learn (for some odd reason). Even still, I'd say you need to learn it and use it. You'll never be sorry if you do. It's almost like a perfect blend of the power vs. productivity tradeoff. But of course, this is just me. I just don't really care for scripting and scripting languages. Javascript really annoys me too, lol. And Boo? Hell if I know. I know nothing of it.