
i am making my characters walk randomly in an empty room. if there is a stair they need go over it and step down if required (i.e. their feet always clamped to ground).

i have managed to do tat, but then i want when 2 entities hit each other, they pan randomly and continue their motion. when i use trace_hit, then the entity doesnt climb the stairs. it finds it as a obstacle. I tried all the stair case examples i could find in the forum but doesnt work.

here is the code:

#include <acknex.h> 	//contains all the predefined structures
#include <default.c> //mouse and controls predefined
//#include "mtlFX.c" 	//material & shaders

//global variables
STRING* strLevel = "Gtest.WMB";
STRING* strModel = "agent.MDL";
ENTITY* entAgent[1000];
var run_percentage;
var agent_count = 0;
var mygravity;
int no_of_agents = 100;

//action for walk animation of entity
action entity_walk()
	var walk_percentage;
	var move_result;
	var pan_count = 0;
	var speed_down = 0;
	VECTOR vFeet;
		pan_count = 0;

	c_move (my, nullvector, vector(0,0,10), IGNORE_PASSABLE);
	c_move (my, vector(7 * time_step, 0, 0), nullvector, IGNORE_PASSABLE);
	c_move (my, nullvector, vector(0,0,-10), IGNORE_PASSABLE);


		//walk animation sequence
		ent_animate(me,"walk",walk_percentage, ANM_CYCLE);
			//collision detection and resolution
		if (event_type == EVENT_ENTITY)
			me.pan = random(360);
			pan_count += 1;
//		if(trace_hit != 0) 
//		{
//			me.pan = random(360);
//			pan_count += 1;
//			wait(1);
//		}
		walk_percentage += 4 * time_step;

//funtion to load entities
function load_entity()
	var ran_pos_x, ran_pos_y;
	var i, j;
	for(i=0; i<no_of_agents; i++)
	ran_pos_x = random(3000)-1710;
	ran_pos_y = random(3000)-1642;
	//create entity
	entAgent[i] = ent_create(strModel, vector(ran_pos_x,ran_pos_y,-240), entity_walk);
	agent_count +=1; 
	//scale entity
	entAgent[i].scale_x = 2;
	entAgent[i].scale_y = 2;
	entAgent[i].scale_z = 2;
	entAgent[i].pan = random(360);
	//setting bounding box to tight fit for better collision detection0 
	//set shadows on
	set(entAgent[i], SHADOW);

//main function
function main()
	//800x600 screen resolution
	video_mode = 6;
	//1-fullscreen, 2-window mode
	video_screen = 2;
	//mouse mode
	mouse_mode = 1;
	max_entities = 1000;
	//loading level
	//call function to create agent

The level is an empty room with 4 walls and cubes placed around for the entities to walk over it and step down back 2 ground.

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