Originally Posted By: germanunkol
also, this gives me a "wrong number/type of parameters":
even though I did
#define acknex_h
and have acknex.h included.
What's wrong with my code there?

Normally the lite-C compiler automatically detects if a variable has to be passed by value or by reference. However, this does not work for overloaded functions, so you have to use the address operator here for your local structs:
LL_VECTOR3D ll_sunPos;
VECTOR temp;
ll_vec3d_set(&ll_sunPos, &temp); // using address operators is necessary here

Of course you can omit the &-operator for "ll_sunPos" if this vector is global.

I really missed "ll_sphere3d_initialize" and "ll_line3d_initialize" functions...

Yes, good idea. I'll add those functions. : )