grrr, I'm sorry, but I can't figure this out.

I create the list like this:

LL_LIST* ll_objectList = NULL; //global
if(ll_objectList == NULL) ll_objectList = ll_list_create();
else ll_list_clear(ll_objectList,NULL);

in the entity function, I call this at the beginning:
my.objectListElement = ll_list_add(ll_objectList,(void*) my);

and this at the end:

but it gives me a "crash in ll_list_remove".

I also tried:
LL_LIST_ELEM* ll_objectTempElem = NULL;
ll_objectTempElem = my.objectListElement;

But it says the same thing.
I'm probably doing something stupid again... sorry frown

~"I never let school interfere with my education"~
-Mark Twain