well, i dont know if Arab people want or demand to learn game dev but actually it's a good idea to build a place where people of same culture and language using acknex meets together... Such sites are very useful for non-English speaking locals... But there is a catch...

the biggest problem is that a lot of users with "ideas". You know the ideas like making the next-killer MMORPG... This people doesn't have any gamedev experience or general knowledge, some even doesn't know what is a game-engine, or that you need a network engine for a MMO. Most of these users are kids, and when you say "start small,learn what game development means,study the engine and create small games first.", most of them refuse, they say "you dont know anything, you say same thing all the time." or "do not break our ambition, we re gona make it.".

With Tr3dgs and AcknexTurk, i ran a forum open for public for years, answering questions, making example projects for people to study, translating tutorials or even writing from scratch. You gotta do that too.

The problem was most people didn't really want to learn, they wanted to make a game easy way, lots of code requests, even complete game codes. A lot of them just copy/pasted examples or tutorials, compiled them with a warez version and published these games on gaming forums, of course a lot of people knew the game was originally made by someone else... they always failed.

But those who listened the advice of starting small, learned lite-c, gained general game development knowledge and started to make small games by themselves.

Especially on summer,count of that type of users(the ones that will make a killer MMO) increase, and it gets pretty annoying and forum starts to get filled with a lot of non-sense topics, dead-from-start projects, lots of rubbish.

I made some research about why people thinks that making a mmo is something easy, and why they dont want to make small games... The result was just what i expected... They didnt know a single thing about game development. They lack the general idea behind game development.

So, a month ago i started to use a new forum-rank system that i designed myself.(I use SMF btw.) There is a tier system. There are 3 classes of users, novices,seniors and concordes. Novices are regular users, newly registered users start at novice tier. In novice tier, we mostly write articles about general game development - from ground zero. what does it takes to develop a game, What is a game engine, how it works, what it does and what it doesnt do, general game-design knowledge, statics about indie games, why you should not compete with Ea or activision or blizzard, where to start, etc. This kind of general game design knowledge and culture. Also basic lite-c knowledge and tutorials are written(Translated version of lite-c workshops and a bit more).

If user can convince us(Concorde Tier Members) that he/she has "what it takes to develop a game" and that they understood the basic mechanics of game development, we set their rank to Senior Tier. In that tier user gets access to new forum categories which is not visible(or readonly) to novice tier users. On this categories me and other lite-c users try to create examples and write more advanced tutorials, we basically try to help people learn the engine and lite-c.

System works very well... Seniors are motivated and hungry for examples and explanations, they understand and learn what you give, and make their own small games.


First, try a fully public forum, if things turn out to be same as Turkish Community, try a system like the one i am currently trying.

Last edited by Quadraxas; 08/14/09 22:12.