i tried the above, well.. i tried this to be exact:

function move_player()
	while(enet_ent_globpointer(my) == -1) {wait(1);} //wait until the entity gets a global pointer
   if(enet_ent_creator(enet_ent_globpointer(my)) == enet_get_clientid())
   { //Every client controls his own player
         //store the keys as bits in a skill1
        // if(my.skill1 != oldskill1) enet_send_skill(enet_ent_globpointer(my),1,1,SERVER);
   if(enet_get_connection() == 2)
      //set up the physic stuff
		phent_settype(my, PH_RIGID, PH_BOX);//physik entity definieren & kollision = sphere
		phent_setmass(my, 75, PH_SPHERE);//masse definieren & rotation = sphere
           //use skill1 for the controls of the entity


i'm working with the way you set up the chat program, so the entities are created when the client joins via:

function create_player()
	VECTOR creating_pos; //position were the entity will be created
	//generates the starting position:
	if(enet_get_clientid() == 0) {creating_pos.x = 0;creating_pos.y = 0;}
	if(enet_get_clientid() == 1) {creating_pos.x = -200;creating_pos.y = 0;}
	if(enet_get_clientid() == 2) {creating_pos.x = 200;creating_pos.y = -200;}
	if(enet_get_clientid() == 3) {creating_pos.x = 200;creating_pos.y = 200;}
	creating_pos.z = 0;
	//creates the coresponding character:
	if(character == 1) {player =enet_ent_create(_str("char1.mdl"),creating_pos,_str("move_player"));}
	if(character == 2) {player =enet_ent_create(_str("char1.mdl"),creating_pos,_str("move_player"));}
	if(character == 3) {player =enet_ent_create(_str("char1.mdl"),creating_pos,_str("move_player"));}


what this does however is, when i run as server/client, it creates the entity but physics isnt applied, when i join as a client, the character i created has physics applied, now if am correct, somethings wrong here? i shouldnt be seeing any movement on the client unless i sent positions?

[edit] i think i may be overlooking something simple however, am looking into it, i made this post maybe a little early

Last edited by darkinferno; 08/19/09 13:47.