Oh you meand that. Yes currently the code is designed that only normal clients can control players.

The problem is the if construction. When the client server runs this function and it created the entity the execution of the function get's stuck in the first while loop.

This could should also make it able for the client server to control players:

function move_player()
	var save_pan = 0; //stores the entity.pan (needed to find out if the pan has changed)
	VECTOR save_pos; //stores the entity.pos (needed to find out if the position has changed)
	while(enet_ent_globpointer(my) == -1) {wait(1);} //wait until the entity gets a global pointer
	if(enet_ent_creator(enet_ent_globpointer(my)) == enet_get_clientid())
	{ //Every client controls his own player
	if(enet_get_connection() == SERVER_MODE || enet_get_connection() == CLIENT_SERVER_MODE)
		//set up the physic stuff
		phent_settype(my, PH_RIGID, PH_BOX);//physik entity definieren & kollision = sphere
		phent_setmass(my, 75, PH_SPHERE);//masse definieren & rotation = sphere
			//use skill1 for the controls of the entity
			//sends the position if changed
			if(save_pos.x != my.x || save_pos.y != my.y || save_pos.z != my.z) {enet_send_pos(enet_ent_globpointer(my),-1);vec_set(save_pos,my.x);}
			//sends the angles if they changed
			if(save_pan != my.pan) {enet_send_angle(enet_ent_globpointer(my),-1);save_pan = my.pan;}



function control_player()
   if(enet_get_connection() == CLIENT_SERVER_MODE) proc_mode = PROC_LATE;
	//store the keys as bits in a skill1
	// if(my.skill1 != oldskill1 && enet_get_connection() != CLIENT_SERVER_MODE) enet_send_skill(enet_ent_globpointer(my),1,1,SERVER);

Please notice the change in the if(my.skill1 != oldskill ... line. If you are controling your player as client server there is no need to send the skill. Also the PROC_LATE is important, otherwise the movement will lag a bit (see manual for PROC_LATE).

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