I think Emre's point was that you did not suggest a "give-me-a-piece-of-the-gain" model, but instead this is your first post here:
Originally Posted By: Cowabanga
Originally Posted By: GarniSoft
Thank you.
Damocles' point is you're still a dreamer.
I mean 50 game for 5 euro per game?!

Making games isn't easy. How about reading the manual??
Or, if you don't wanna learn, just increase the price and i'll be the first here. wink

Just talking about "increasing the price" has nothing to do with "piece-of-the-gain".

I guess the "problem" here was that you didn't give very much information regarding the purpose of these games and the licence model etc.
So it was just a matter of time for anyone to jump to a conclusion, and I must admit by just reading your first post I had the same idea too.

So maybe you could be so kind and explain a little more about this and you'll probably get some games (maybe not 50) out of this.