Before you flame me do not forget that if anyone tries to make a serious offer with promised payment and the intention to go commercial, you have to actually pay your oontractors well. No one wants to get ripped off, even if you agreed to work dirt cheap. IMPORTANT: let us do not mix up "working for free just because of the spirit of game making" and real payed work. That is totally different so don't be biased.

Ok, lets go: What I don't like about Garnisoft posts is the following sentences: "Without any question for who and for what you already have a meaning about me. Thanks for the help .... I do it my self." -- So, why didn't he posted right at the beginning serious details about the project? This is more a broad hint to most of the people here, not for Garnisoft -- I think most of you hounded him out of this house..
I didn't decided here to defend or offend someone but to point that out. In addition, let us make some serious calculations to proof that the offer *is* actually ridiculous in a commercial sense:

50 games for about 5 Euro each is about 250 Euro. If I would do the games in about 27h (calculating 9€ per hour, which is alreay cheap) the fee is alright which means that I would have to spit out a game every 32mins. Ok, lets split up the work on 3-4 days with 8-9 hours for working on this each day. Too bad, that 32mins per game is a really short time period and you have to think about what game you wanna do, too.
Sounds like a bet. I guess, if you don't care about graphics and polishing, don't add any fuzz and exclude the gamedesign phase, you will get certainly in 3-4 days 50 micro-games done.


Although... if you want to have 50 world class mini games, even with the same rate and assumed that the client delivers pre-made graphics and you are just programming it, you have to earn ~7000 Eur. And that is already cheap.

Just my thoughts.

Last edited by HeelX; 08/21/09 22:22.