This theory brought to you entirely by me.

Blurry Particles
Correct me on any false or misunderstood facts. Quantum Physics, I have no clue how they work, and nobody knows how they work exactly, either. But I do know that 'probability' is a famous subject of Quantum Physics. Quantum particles can gain a shape. And they do so after they have been observed. Before that, they're in an unknown state. A particle may be A or B, and before they have been observed, they're both A and B. But as soon as light is cast upon their state, they change to either A or B (while their antiparticle immediately changes to the opposite, no matter the distance between them). Now I was wondering, are we able to change quantum states just by thinking? And using that, changing the future itself?

Sensitive Destiny
You probably have had the feeling sometimes that when you expect something, the opposite happens. And when you decide to expect the other thing instead, with previous statement in mind, something totally different happens. I myself often feel positive about a certain plan I want to execute, but upon executing, it actually turns out quite negative. When I don't really think it's going to turn out well (but execute it anyway), it actually is turning out well in the end. And when I feel positive about the plan, but know it's gonna turn out negative, it's suddenly still turning out positive (I think about such things way more than what's good for me).
Anyhow, I thought this might be because you unconsciously determine your own future path. With your expectations you observe things in a certain way while executing the plan, and with that you change the flow of events. Observing with a positive feeling causes a negative outcome, and observing with a positive feeling but negative expectation causes a positive outcome. Are you still with me?

Know few, change a lot
This applied to daily life; as long as you don't realise what other people know around you, you can let things happen you didn't expect to happen, by observing with certain expectations. But how more likely the event to happen, how less you can change it. Chance that your calculator give 6 by inputting 2+2 while you expect it will be 4 is so unlikely because you simply know it'll become 4. But chances that your train is delayed while you were cycling the legs from your body to not miss the train is far more likely, because you expect it to leave on time. But if you would cycle slow with the thought that the train will be delayed anyway, the train does leave on time (and you're left waiting half an hour). Quite a black and white example, but here's a gray one: When you, after cycling very fast to not miss the train, give up and cycle slowly because you sadly know you wont make it anymore, then suddenly there appears to be another train leaving 10 minutes later, departing at specific hours, coincidentally at your time. Events start to happen you didn't take in account, and I'd say almost 'compensate' the sad and angry mood you got. But like I said, the more likely the event, the less you can change it, simply because there are too many factors that are already determined by you. So the less you realise, the easier you can change your future.

Relative Future
It's interesting to ask what would happen if you expect red grapes to have a discount, while I expect green grapes to have a discount. If we don't know this from eachother, then chances are big green grapes have a discount in your scenario, while in mine the red grapes have. When you do know the expectations of eachother, which grapes then have a discount? Well, then it's still your own observation that'll become real. If you take in mind that I'll probably are right, then chances are high that you'll be right and red grapes have a discount. If you dearly hope you'll be right, then I'll be and green grapes have a discount. And for me? I'll walk my own path and things may be different for me than for you, at every choice one makes. You walk your own future, and while you find yourself in a different future than me, the 'clone you' in my future will deal with the choices observed in my future, despite and unrelated to the choices observed in your future, wherein the 'clone me' deal with those. This is getting quite complicated, but I hope you're following me still! In this theory I state that the future is relative for everyone who observes.

Of course it may be that I'm just getting idiotic ideas in my head, and that my observations simply affect my mood instead of the events happening, but it's still interesting and fun to think about it.
I'll gladly hear your opinions and experiences.


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