Anyway, if a train is late the train must have already been behind before you thought of it. Or, if an other train is leaving ten minutes later, it must be in railway schedule which was made ages earlier, so to "change the future with our brain" we'd have to change the PAST!

The schedule didn't change, but the train is simply late. I'm not sure how it is with trains in Germany, but in the Netherlands they're late all the time grin. And the train doesn't need to be behind before you thought of it. That's the point of this theory. Everything you hadn't (consciously/unconsciously) interpreted is not yet defined.

Perhaps you're familiar with schrödingers cat? After typing this thread I recalled this experiment again.

Originally Posted By: wikipedia
Schrödinger's Cat: A cat, along with a flask containing a poison, is placed in a sealed box shielded against environmentally induced quantum decoherence. If an internal Geiger counter detects radiation, the flask is shattered, releasing the poison that kills the cat. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics implies that after a while, the cat is simultaneously alive and dead. Yet, when we look in the box, we see the cat either alive or dead, not a mixture of alive and dead.

So what determines the cat being alive or dead? Ones expectation of the cat being alive or dead? Or the fact that we look into the box? Or isn't it determined by our observations after all?

This is the superfluous state I'm aiming at.
Indeed I said antiparticle where I meant the quantum entanglement stuff.

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