the theory of, the yes is no and the no turns yes, in a cause effect event, also happens to me, but i guess, this is because im with that idea in my mind, and when i say something, i know it will be the reverse that will happen, because my mind is thinking on that, and make is true, so you dont think you are crazy.
I also think that destiny is all about balance, and emotion. Eveything is balanced, if you say no, something must turn yes, to balance nothing. like eveything in the universe, matter, antimatter, hot and cold, yes and no, fast and slow... everything is turning into Caos, which means lost of energy (consumption). And emotions because the emotions actually make the difference. positive emotions leads to positive things. The most strong emotion is LOVe, which i believe is the key to Human survival, in the future. At least that the key to life, and the key God also wanted humans to know, and follow. because everything that does not have love in someway, will lead to destruction.