Originally Posted By: chris_oat
wow, first JuoN then dino island, hi:breed and now redHood. alot projects u working on at a time.
or do u not develop dino island and hi:breed anymore?

Hehe... You forgot to mention DNA:P. Looks like I got easily distracted, so instead of finishing any game, I'd just start something new, bad habit, bad habit...
Actually JuOn and redhood were writen in wdl A6 and Dino Island and HiBreed were (rewrited in) LiteC, so I think I'd just focus on HiBreed first.

Originally Posted By: the_clown
Originally Posted By: Dark_samurai
no shaders used, right?

I'm sure that he is using a toon shader wink

I meant apart from that...^^

I'm using toonshader for the cartoon look, zoom shader and simple refraction for the bullet time, with ChrisB's r2t.dll and Slin's pp_help.wdl for post effect shader

@ all: thanks for the comments...