people stop lying because the lies are broken. clearing up crimes will go up 100%
people will begin to either hate or love each other because everyonekows what the other one is thinking.
the complete world order will chagne. politicians, big company bosses, everyone will be on the run.
mass riots and murder will happen because some people couldnt stand how much their world changes.
the complete religious system will begin to riot before it breaks down as soon as they realize how wrong they are.
same goes for racism, especially in europe where rracism against europeans is gettign bigger every day.
everybody will stop to care about all that stuff thats so important for us now, because we already know.
the complete entertainment section will break down because we know whats to come before its even made.
wars will be fought for nothing because its the only thing that people wont know the outcome, globally speaking.
the entire system breaks down. those who dont have the power for telepathy will go on a hunt for the otehrs because of jealousy and so forth...

sounds like the end of our civilisation to me...