I did a test run on my PC.

The plugin seems to work fine with two Wiimotes.
Maybe there is something odd in your code, can you post it?

My sample code:
#include <acknex.h>
#include <default.c>

#define WII_DEBUG	//define before including ackwii.h to enable debugging
#include "ackwii.h"

/* assigned to '1' button */
void toggleIR (var handle, WIIMOTE* buffer)
	/* note: IR sensor requires a sensor bar or adequate replacement */
	wiimote_ir(handle, 1 - buffer->status.ir);		

/* assigned to '2' button */
void toggleVibration (var handle, WIIMOTE* buffer)
	wiimote_vibration(handle, 1 - buffer->status.vibration);		

WIIMOTE buffer;	//needs to be declared globally
WIIMOTE buffer2;	//needs to be declared globally

var curbuf = 0;
void toggle_buffer()
#ifdef WII_DEBUG
	if (curbuf == 0)
	curbuf = 1-curbuf;

void main ()
	on_a = toggle_buffer;
	video_mode = 7; 
	screen_color.blue = 150;
	fps_max = 100;
	var wii_handle;
	var wii_handle2;
	/* clear buffer before using!! */

	/* assign functions to Wiimote buttons */
	buffer.event.on_1 = toggleIR;
	buffer.event.on_2 = toggleVibration;
	on_esc = NULL;
	/* check if any Wiimote is found */
	if (wiimote_getdevices() > 0)
		/* connect first device */
		wii_handle = wiimote_connect(0);
		wii_handle2 = wiimote_connect(1);
		if(wii_handle != NULL && wii_handle2 != NULL)
			debug mode: show buffer in panel and assign log function to B button
			of Wiimote. Use F12 to toggle visibility of panel
#ifdef WII_DEBUG
			a value close to 1 results in very soft angle smoothing
			drawback: smoothing delivers the resulting angle delayed
			wiimote_smoothfac(wii_handle, 0.9);
			while (key_esc != 1)
				/* update buffer with data coming from Wiimote */
				wiimote_status(wii_handle, &buffer);
				wiimote_status(wii_handle2, &buffer2);
			IMPORTANT: this function must be called before closing the engine window.
			Otherwise engine will crash! Also wait a few ticks to ensure that DLL is
			not running anymore.

This is a quick hack and it uses wiimote_connect/disconnect which is not necessarily required as A7 also uses it internally.

Use the 'a' key on keyboard to toggle the buffer display between Wiimote 1 and 2.

About the enumeration this might depend on the Bluetooth driver. I know that Bluesoleil leaves dead devices when unplugging batteries of a Wiimote which still are detected by the Wiimote driver, so this is possible.

I ran into this problem during development but could not find a way to sort out all those "false" Wiimotes.

edit: I tried now using wiimote_handle() and got some strange results including engine freeze during startup window. Maybe jcl should recheck what they are doing in this function.

Can you test the snippet I posted above on your system?

Last edited by Firoball; 09/06/09 16:19.