hi, i come with my noob/stupid/nonsense problem.
hope i post in the good section etc, rapidly searched "black model" or "export maya to game studio" but i got no solution :x sry if its a 9999x asked problem --

so, the problem is "my model is total black ig"

1)i do my noobish sphere on maya and put a texture on it.
2)i export it as ".obj" and import it in MED model editor
3)i save it as MDF7 file (.mdl)
4)in WED, i add this model with "add/model/my model" (edit : it appears in color in the editor WED)

and then i try to launch the game and the model is total black frown
tried to save as MDF5 file (.mdl) but this way, the model is total white ig (if i remember well)
i guess i forgot something or i'm total noob, so im looking for a solution, ty in advance and sorry for my noob english.

Last edited by ayks; 09/09/09 12:40.