the plan stands...

but i´ve some consides of the look of the gameplay.

My game is settlet in 1944, with a great SciFi part and time paradoxes. but it´s still 1944. Hitler, Nazis, SS and Hookcrosses...

I know the amount of all these things from wolfenstein.. But how far can i go, without getting people saing: "What a rassist basterd!"

Any opinions?

This is my first "Promo" Title. A Photomontage with the Title-model ( the letters+the cross are models ).

What do you think of a Titlescreen like that ( ingame animated and real 3D.. not just a Photo ^^ )?
*click on image to enlarge*

The "Hit key" text will ingame be shown in the lower right of the screen.
I also plan to place the maincharacter in the right, facing the city, with idle Animation.

Last edited by Espér; 09/09/09 22:38.

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