Thanks for your answer DJBMASTER.
Yes, of course I have completed the lite-c workshops. And I just reread them. Was my problem really that obvious?
I thought about using a 3*4 matrice for the values stored in probe_1 to probe_3.
Then there is the problem of filling the matrice with numbers (since you can't do it in the definition).
I used an algorithm that reads the values of probe_1 and fils them into a new matrice, then does the same for probe_2 and so on.

So, in general, is there a function that allows to write an algorithm that looks for a specific value at a specific position in each array?
like: <is probe_1[3] = 5?> and does it for all arrays up to probe_500 (or any big number)?
(I would very much prefer to not load all those arrays into one matrice).

Last edited by SomebodyNew; 09/15/09 11:44.