As far as I know (i hope somebody will correct me here) lite-c doesn't allow you to fill a matrice with numbers in the definition (well it does, but you can't use more than one line. So have fun with something like a 30*40 matrice).
That means you have to divide the matrice into arrays. Each line of the matrice is represented by a array. And only now you can use an algorithm that reads the arrays and writes them in the matrice.
So you end up with arrays + matrice. While they're basically the same.

Thats why I tried to avaoid using matrices.
It does work - but is a major inconvenience.

c#/c++ allow the type of declaration you mentioned.

A sidequestion: is there a way one can display a matrice's values ingame? Like you can do with an array's values. Panel -> digits ... They don't work with multidimensional arrays.

I'm using lite-C in version 7.11.1.
They added some things to matrices in version 7.80 i think. But I don't know what it is or if the updates would affect this issue.

Last edited by SomebodyNew; 09/16/09 13:06.