Originally Posted By: Joozey

I was wondering, are we able to change quantum states just by thinking? And using that, changing the future itself?

As far as entanglement is concerned we are just " passive observers "

Suppose you have two entangled electrons A and B

A goes through an electrical field while B is far away
You can control the movement of A via the intensity and the polarity of the elctrical field but this will not affect the movement of B

now, A goes through a magnetic field and B is still far away
A gets the spin " up " ( " down ") while B , at the same time, gets the spin "down" ("up")

The point is that there is no way to control the spin of A via , for example, the intensity and / or the polarity of the magnetic field
it is a mere random event

For this reason entanglement can not be used as a sort of high sophisticated remote controller

Last edited by AlbertoT; 09/23/09 20:15.