Originally Posted By: Joozey

Perhaps you're familiar with schrödingers cat? After typing this thread I recalled this experiment again.

Despite its popularity and even though it has been proposed by a great scientist , the scientific value of "the schrödingers cat " paradox, is null

Many popular scientific books claim that :

A quantum entity ( a photon of light, an electron, an atom etc ) can exist in several states but if you observe it than it "collapse"
in one only state
This is false
The quantum entity collapse just in case you have the possibility to "observe" it regardless of the fact that you really do it

In other words a quantum entity behave as a " wave " just in case it is fully " isolated "
It is hard to think that the bilion and bilions atoms of a cat can be cosidered as "isolated" items

Last edited by AlbertoT; 09/23/09 21:44.