Originally Posted By: MMike
So then , why when they measure and observe it, it will behave like a particle, and when not observing like a wave, in the double slit video experiment..

So what does observing actually does? is the though, the concioness of expecting something, limited by our "limits" that will create the reality??

if quantum is not real in the real outside, why care about it? only if one can control or make it real , than thats worth it.

The " observing " by itself, actually does nothing
It is a popular belief that :

If you leave an electron alone than it is a wave but if you measure (observe) it, for example by placing some sensors near the slits, than the wave " collapses " into a particle
Same as a sort of " condensation reaction " due to a mechanical interaction wave / measuring instrument
If so, the duality wave / particle would not be that mistery, some fluids behave like that

I would not even comment the " the concioness of expecting something..." a ridicoulus interpretation proposed by some phylospher

The situation is different
First of all, real systems do not behave either as a waves or as a particles
It is alwayes an hybrid behaviour

apart from that, in the double slit experiment the wave collapses whenever you can potentially get some information out of the system even though you are a passive observer

If the system is completely " closed" than you have to deal with waves
If the system is completely " open " than you have to deal with particles
Some thing in between for semi open / close system

Nobody can provide an intuitive explanation