The question simply is : Did the scientists say "Oh we found water - those containers had to have a leakage!" or did they say upon opening things "Oh we didn't have a vacuum!". In every report I read it was phrased like the first way is the way it was but I now would like some actual evidence for that...

also, if moon would have 1 liter water per 1 cubicmeter of soil
that woul be 0,1% of the soil beeing water.
And thats too much to be belivable...

Why isn't that believable? Here a quote from here:
Unklarheit herrscht noch über die Quantität des Wassers auf der Mondoberfläche. Die Wissenschaftler gehen aber von kleineren Mengen aus. Eine Tonne Bodenmaterial könnte etwa einen Liter Wasser enthalten, glauben die Forscher. Zum Vergleich: In Erdgestein kann der Gehalt um das Hundertfache höher liegen.

I now of course don't know what exactly "the moon is made of" so I can't really tell if this 1t <-> 1m³ is a right conversion...

Enjoy your meal

Last edited by Toast; 09/25/09 15:50.