
I love the look of the normal/spec shader from wiki-page. But it only reacts to dynamic lights. Is there any spec-shader which works with static lights ?

Only reacts to dynamic lights:
// Diffuse and specular shader
// -------------------------------------------------------------

float4x4 matWorldViewProj;	
float4x4 matWorld;
float4 vecLightPos[8]; //light position
float4 vecLightColor[8]; //light position
float4 vecViewPos;
float4 vecFog;

texture entSkin1; //this is the color map
texture entSkin2; //this is the normal map

sampler ColorMapSampler = sampler_state
   Texture = <entSkin1>;
   MinFilter = Linear;
   MagFilter = Linear;
   MipFilter = Linear;   
   AddressU  = wrap;
   AddressV  = wrap;

sampler BumpMapSampler = sampler_state
   Texture = <entSkin2>;
   MinFilter = Linear;
   MagFilter = Linear;
   MipFilter = Linear;   
   AddressU  = wrap;
   AddressV  = wrap;

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// 2.0
// -------------------------------------------------------------

struct VS_OUTPUT0
    float4 Pos  : POSITION;
    float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;
    float3 View : TEXCOORD1;
    float3 Light1 : TEXCOORD2;
    float Att1 : TEXCOORD3;
    float3 Light2 : TEXCOORD4;
    float Att2 : TEXCOORD5;

    float Fog : FOG;

VS_OUTPUT0 VS_PASS0(float4 Pos : POSITION, float2 texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0, float3 Normal : NORMAL, float3 Tangent : TEXCOORD2  )
    VS_OUTPUT0 Out = (VS_OUTPUT0)0;      
    Out.Pos = mul(Pos, matWorldViewProj);	// transform Position
    // compute the 3x3 tranform matrix 
    // to transform from world space to tangent space
    float3x3 worldToTangentSpace;
    worldToTangentSpace[0] = mul(Tangent, matWorld);
    worldToTangentSpace[1] = mul(cross(Tangent, Normal), matWorld);
    worldToTangentSpace[2] = mul(Normal, matWorld);
    Out.Tex = texcoord0.xy;

    float3 PosWorld = mul(Pos, matWorld);

    float3 Viewer = PosWorld - vecViewPos;						
    Out.View = mul(worldToTangentSpace, - Viewer);		// V

    //light 1	 
    float3 Light1 = PosWorld - vecLightPos[0]  ; 
    Out.Light1.xyz = mul(worldToTangentSpace, -Light1);	// L
    Out.Att1 = distance(PosWorld,vecLightPos[0])/vecLightPos[0].w;				// Point light
    //light 2	 
    float3 Light2 = PosWorld - vecLightPos[1]  ; 
    Out.Light2.xyz = mul(worldToTangentSpace, -Light2);	// L
    Out.Att2 = distance(PosWorld,vecLightPos[1])/vecLightPos[1].w;				// Point light

    float ofog = 1 - (distance(PosWorld, vecViewPos) - vecFog.x) * (vecFog.z);
    Out.Fog = ofog;	

   return Out;

struct PS_INPUT0
    float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;
    float3 View : TEXCOORD1;
    float3 Light1 : TEXCOORD2;
    float Att1 : TEXCOORD3;
    float3 Light2 : TEXCOORD4;
    float Att2 : TEXCOORD5;

 float4 PS_PASS0( PS_INPUT0 psInStruct ):COLOR
    float4 color = tex2D(ColorMapSampler, psInStruct.Tex);					// fetch color map
    float3 bumpNormal = 2 * (tex2D(BumpMapSampler, psInStruct.Tex) - 0.5); // fetch bump map
    float4 gloss = tex2D( BumpMapSampler, psInStruct.Tex );
    float3 ViewDir = normalize(psInStruct.View);  

    float3 LightDir1 = normalize(psInStruct.Light1);   
    float4 diff1 = saturate(dot(bumpNormal, LightDir1));    // diffuse component 
    float shadow1 = saturate(4 * diff1);
    float3 Reflect1 = normalize(2 * diff1 * bumpNormal - LightDir1);  // R
    float4 spec1 = pow(saturate(dot(Reflect1, ViewDir)), 15); 
    float4 Attenuation1 = saturate(dot(psInStruct.Att1, psInStruct.Att1));
    float3 LightDir2 = normalize(psInStruct.Light2);     
    float4 diff2 = saturate(dot(bumpNormal, LightDir2));    // diffuse component 
    float shadow2 = saturate(4 * diff2);
    float3 Reflect2 = normalize(2 * diff2 * bumpNormal - LightDir2);  // R
    float4 spec2 = pow(saturate(dot(Reflect2, ViewDir)), 15); 
    float4 Attenuation2 = saturate(dot(psInStruct.Att2, psInStruct.Att2));

       (0.3 * color) + //ambient
	    ((shadow1 * (color * diff1 + (spec1*gloss.w)) * (1 -Attenuation1))*vecLightColor[0])+ 
	    ((shadow2 * (color * diff2 + (spec2*gloss.w)) * (1 -Attenuation2))*vecLightColor[1])

struct VS_OUTPUT1
    float4 Pos  : POSITION;
    float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;
    float3 View : TEXCOORD1;
    float3 Light3 : TEXCOORD2;
    float Att3 : TEXCOORD3;
    float3 Light4 : TEXCOORD4;
    float Att4 : TEXCOORD5;

    float Fog : FOG;

VS_OUTPUT1 VS_PASS1(float4 Pos : POSITION, float2 texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0, float3 Normal : NORMAL, float3 Tangent : TEXCOORD2  )
    VS_OUTPUT1 Out = (VS_OUTPUT1)0;      
    Out.Pos = mul(Pos, matWorldViewProj);	// transform Position
    // compute the 3x3 tranform matrix 
    // to transform from world space to tangent space
    float3x3 worldToTangentSpace;
    worldToTangentSpace[0] = mul(Tangent, matWorld);
    worldToTangentSpace[1] = mul(cross(Tangent, Normal), matWorld);
    worldToTangentSpace[2] = mul(Normal, matWorld);
    Out.Tex = texcoord0.xy;

    float3 PosWorld = mul(Pos, matWorld);

    float3 Viewer = PosWorld - vecViewPos;						
    Out.View = mul(worldToTangentSpace, -Viewer);		// V
    //light 3	 
    float3 Light3 = PosWorld - vecLightPos[2]  ; 
    Out.Light3.xyz = mul(worldToTangentSpace, -Light3);	// L
    Out.Att3 = distance(PosWorld,vecLightPos[2])/vecLightPos[2].w;				// Point light
    //light 4	 
    float3 Light4 = PosWorld - vecLightPos[3]  ; 
    Out.Light4.xyz = mul(worldToTangentSpace, -Light4);	// L
    Out.Att4 = distance(PosWorld,vecLightPos[3])/vecLightPos[3].w;				// Point light

    float ofog = 1 - (distance(PosWorld, vecViewPos) - vecFog.x) * (vecFog.z);
    Out.Fog = ofog;	

    return Out;

struct PS_INPUT1
    float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;
    float3 View : TEXCOORD1;
    float3 Light3 : TEXCOORD2;
    float Att3 : TEXCOORD3;
    float3 Light4 : TEXCOORD4;
    float Att4 : TEXCOORD5;

float4 PS_PASS1( PS_INPUT1 psInStruct ):COLOR
    float4 color = tex2D(ColorMapSampler, psInStruct.Tex);					// fetch color map
    float3 bumpNormal = 2 * (tex2D(BumpMapSampler, psInStruct.Tex) - 0.5); // fetch bump map
    float4 gloss = tex2D( BumpMapSampler, psInStruct.Tex );
    float3 ViewDir = normalize(psInStruct.View);

    float3 LightDir3 = normalize(psInStruct.Light3);  
    float4 diff3 = saturate(dot(bumpNormal, LightDir3));    // diffuse component 
    float shadow3 = saturate(4 * diff3);
    float3 Reflect3 = normalize(2 * diff3 * bumpNormal - LightDir3);  // R
    float4 spec3 = pow(saturate(dot(Reflect3, ViewDir)), 15); 
    float4 Attenuation3 = saturate(dot(psInStruct.Att3, psInStruct.Att3));
    float3 LightDir4 = normalize(psInStruct.Light4);   
    float4 diff4 = saturate(dot(bumpNormal, LightDir4));    // diffuse component 
    float shadow4 = saturate(4 * diff4);
    float3 Reflect4 = normalize(2 * diff4 * bumpNormal - LightDir4);  // R
    float4 spec4 = pow(saturate(dot(Reflect4, ViewDir)), 15); 
    float4 Attenuation4 = saturate(dot(psInStruct.Att4, psInStruct.Att4));

	    ((shadow3 * (color * diff3 + (spec3*gloss.w)) * (1 -Attenuation3))*vecLightColor[2])+
	    ((shadow4 * (color * diff4 + (spec4*gloss.w)) * (1 -Attenuation4))*vecLightColor[3])


struct VS_OUTPUT2
    float4 Pos  : POSITION;
    float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;
    float3 View : TEXCOORD1;
    float3 Light5 : TEXCOORD2;
    float Att5 : TEXCOORD3;
    float3 Light6 : TEXCOORD4;
    float Att6 : TEXCOORD5;

    float Fog : FOG;

VS_OUTPUT2 VS_PASS2(float4 Pos : POSITION, float2 texcoord0 : TEXCOORD0, float3 Normal : NORMAL, float3 Tangent : TEXCOORD2  )
    VS_OUTPUT2 Out = (VS_OUTPUT2)0;      
    Out.Pos = mul(Pos, matWorldViewProj);	// transform Position
    // compute the 3x3 tranform matrix 
    // to transform from world space to tangent space
    float3x3 worldToTangentSpace;
    worldToTangentSpace[0] = mul(Tangent, matWorld);
    worldToTangentSpace[1] = mul(cross(Tangent, Normal), matWorld);
    worldToTangentSpace[2] = mul(Normal, matWorld);
    Out.Tex = texcoord0.xy;

    float3 PosWorld = mul(Pos, matWorld);

    float3 Viewer = PosWorld - vecViewPos;						
    Out.View = mul(worldToTangentSpace, -Viewer);		// V

	//light 5	 
    float3 Light5 = PosWorld - vecLightPos[4]  ; 
    Out.Light5.xyz = mul(worldToTangentSpace, -Light5);	// L
    Out.Att5 = distance(PosWorld,vecLightPos[4])/vecLightPos[4].w;				// Point light
    //light 6	 
    float3 Light6 = PosWorld - vecLightPos[5]  ; 
    Out.Light6.xyz = mul(worldToTangentSpace, -Light6);	// L
    Out.Att6 = distance(PosWorld,vecLightPos[5])/vecLightPos[5].w;				// Point light

	float ofog = 1 - (distance(PosWorld, vecViewPos) - vecFog.x) * (vecFog.z);
    	Out.Fog = ofog;

   return Out;

struct PS_INPUT2
    float2 Tex : TEXCOORD0;
    float3 View : TEXCOORD1;
    float3 Light5 : TEXCOORD2;
    float Att5 : TEXCOORD3;
    float3 Light6 : TEXCOORD4;
    float Att6 : TEXCOORD5;

float4 PS_PASS2( PS_INPUT2 psInStruct ):COLOR
    float4 color = tex2D(ColorMapSampler, psInStruct.Tex);					// fetch color map
    float3 bumpNormal = 2 * (tex2D(BumpMapSampler, psInStruct.Tex) - 0.5); // fetch bump map
    float4 gloss = tex2D( BumpMapSampler, psInStruct.Tex );
    float3 ViewDir = normalize(psInStruct.View);

    float3 LightDir5 = normalize(psInStruct.Light5); 
    float4 diff5 = saturate(dot(bumpNormal, LightDir5));    // diffuse component 
    float shadow5 = saturate(4 * diff5);
    float3 Reflect5 = normalize(2 * diff5 * bumpNormal - LightDir5);  // R
    float4 spec5 = pow(saturate(dot(Reflect5, ViewDir)), 15); 
    float4 Attenuation5 = saturate(dot(psInStruct.Att5, psInStruct.Att5));
    float3 LightDir6 = normalize(psInStruct.Light6);
    float4 diff6 = saturate(dot(bumpNormal, LightDir6));    // diffuse component 
    float shadow6 = saturate(4 * diff6);
    float3 Reflect6 = normalize(2 * diff6 * bumpNormal - LightDir6);  // R
    float4 spec6 = pow(saturate(dot(Reflect6, ViewDir)), 15); 
    float4 Attenuation6 = saturate(dot(psInStruct.Att6, psInStruct.Att6));

	    ((shadow5 * (color * diff5 + (spec5*gloss.w)) * (1 -Attenuation5))*vecLightColor[4])+ 
	    ((shadow6 * (color * diff6 + (spec6*gloss.w)) * (1 -Attenuation6))*vecLightColor[5])

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// 1.1
// -------------------------------------------------------------

float3x3 matTangent;
float4x4 matWorldView;
float4 vecSunDir;

float4 DoTransform(float4 Pos)
	return mul(Pos,matWorldViewProj);

float DoFog(float4 Pos)
	float3 P = mul(Pos,matWorldView); // convert vector to view space to get it's depth (.z)
   	return saturate((vecFog.y-P.z) * vecFog.z); // apply the linear fog formula

float4 DoPos(float4 Pos)
	return (mul(Pos,matWorld));
float3 DoPos(float3 Pos)
	return (mul(Pos,matWorld));

void CreateTangents(float3 inNormal,float3 inTangent)
	matTangent[0] = DoPos(inTangent);
	matTangent[1] = DoPos(cross(inTangent,inNormal));	// binormal
	matTangent[2] = DoPos(inNormal);

float3 DoTangent(float3 inVector)
	return normalize(mul(matTangent,inVector));

struct out_bump
    	float4 Pos:     POSITION;
    	float  Fog:	FOG;
    	float4 Color:	COLOR;
    	float2 Tex:   	TEXCOORD0;
    	float2 Bump:   	TEXCOORD1;
    	float3 Normal:	TEXCOORD2;
    	float3 Light:	TEXCOORD3;

out_bump vs_bump( in float4 inPos: POSITION, in float3 inNormal: NORMAL, in float2 inTex: TEXCOORD0, in float3 inTangent: TEXCOORD2)
   	out_bump Out;

	Out.Pos	= DoTransform(inPos);
	Out.Tex	= inTex;
	Out.Bump = inTex; // different coordinates required for ps_1_1
        Out.Color = float4(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);
	Out.Fog	= DoFog(inPos);
	float3 N = matTangent[2];
	// transform the output values into the 0..1 range
	Out.Light = DoTangent(-vecSunDir) * 0.5 + 0.5;
	Out.Normal = DoTangent(N) * 0.5 + 0.5;

	return Out;		

float4 ps_bump(out_bump In): COLOR
	float4 base = tex2D(ColorMapSampler,In.Tex);
	float3 bumpNormal = tex2D(BumpMapSampler,In.Bump);
	float diffuse = saturate(dot(In.Light*2 - 1,bumpNormal*2 - 1));	
	diffuse *= saturate(4 * dot(In.Light*2 - 1,In.Normal*2 - 1));

	return base * diffuse;

// -------------------------------------------------------------
// techniques//
// -------------------------------------------------------------

// 2.0
technique SpecularNormalMapping_20
    pass P0
        // compile shaders
        VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_PASS0();
        PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 PS_PASS0();
    pass P1
    	 //blend second pass additively with first 
       // compile shaders
       VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_PASS1();
       PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 PS_PASS1();
    pass P2
    	 //blend second pass additively with first and second 
       // compile shaders
       VertexShader = compile vs_2_0 VS_PASS2();
       PixelShader  = compile ps_2_0 PS_PASS2();

// 1.1
technique SpecularNormalMapping_11
	pass P0
		VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 vs_bump();
		PixelShader  = compile ps_1_1 ps_bump();

// Fallback; If nothing works
technique fallback { pass one { } }


Last edited by rayp; 09/29/09 23:07.

Acknex umgibt uns...zwischen Dir, mir, dem Stein dort...
"Hey Griswold ... where u gonna put a tree that big ?"
1998 i married my loved wife ... Sheeva from Mortal Kombat, not Evil-Lyn as might have been expected
rayp.flags |= UNTOUCHABLE;