This has been brought up in similar posts, but I could not get it to work.

I feel like I am very close to getting this right after spending many hours trying to figure it out. My game is a 3rd person isometric. I want my player unable to climb very steep hills, as a way to keep the player inside a particular path or boundary. I have used many invisible blocks, but using the terrain as a restriction would save a HUGE amount of time through the rest of the game. And invisible blocks just aren't practical for some situations.My code is heavily modified from zeldacode.The 'standard player movement' code in the manual (which slows the player speed on slopes) would be awsome but I can't get it to work . Here is what I use to move the player and my Player_ACTION:

c_move(my,nullvector, player_diff.x, IGNORE_PASSENTS | GLIDE);

action player_action
player = me;
player.healthpoints = 100; // and I have 100 health points
my.fat = off;
my.narrow = on;
my.animdist = 0;

temp.z -= 4000; // calculate a position 4000 quants below the player
trace_mode = ignore_me+ignore_sprites+ignore_passable+ignore_models+use_box;
result = trace(my.x,temp);// subtract vertical distance to ground
my.z -= result;

my.skill24 = 0;

while (player.healthpoints > 0) // Is player alive?

IF (movement_mode == 0) {

vec_set(temp,my.x); //scan in front of player to see if there is a climbable wall
temp.x += 30 * cos(my.pan);
temp.y += 30 * sin(my.pan);
temp.z = my.z;
trace_mode = ignore_me+ignore_sprites+ignore_models+scan_texture;
result = trace(my.x,temp); //changed from trace(my.x,temp);

temp.z -= 4000; // calculate a position 4000 quants below the player

// set a trace mode for using the player's hull, and detecting map entities and level surfaces only
trace_mode = ignore_me+ignore_sprites+ignore_models+use_box;
result = trace(my.x,temp);// subtract vertical distance to ground
IF (key_space == 1) {
IF (jumping_mode == 0) { //if we are not already jumping
jumping_mode = 1;
z_force = jump_force;
my.animdist = 0;
IF (mouse_right == 1) || (key_x == 1) { store_strafe_mode = 1; } ELSE { store_strafe_mode = 0; }

IF (result <= 3) && (jumping_mode == 0) { // in the air? WADE CAHANGED - 3 originally
IF (result < 1.3) && (result > -1.3) && (result > 0.5) && (result < -0.5) { my.skill13 = 0;beep; beep; } //change the value 1.5 to change how high steps he can climb, make it no higher than 3
temp.z -= 4000; // calculate a position 4000 quants below the player
trace_mode = ignore_me+ignore_sprites+ignore_passable+ignore_models+use_box;
result = trace(my.x,temp);// subtract vertical distance to ground
z_force = -1 * result;

IF (mouse_right == 1) || (key_x == 1) { store_strafe_mode = 1; } ELSE { store_strafe_mode = 0; }
} ELSE {
IF (result <= 3) && (my.animdist > 20) {
IF (jumping_mode == 2) {
player_diff.x = 0;
player_diff.y = 0;
IF (my.animdist <= 20) { jumping_mode = 0; } ////originally 20
IF (my.animdist < 100) {
// ent_frame("jump",my.animdist);
// my.animdist += 7 * time;
} ELSE {
jumping_mode = 0;
IF (jumping_mode == 1) { my.skill13 = 0; jumping_mode = 0; }
IF (result < 1.3) && (result > -1.3) && (result > 0.5) && (result < -0.5) { my.skill13 = 0; } //change the value 1.5 to change how high steps he can climb, make it no higher than 3
temp.z -= 4000; // calculate a position 4000 quants below the player
trace_mode = ignore_me+ignore_sprites+ignore_passable+ignore_models+use_box;
result = trace(my.x,temp);// subtract vertical distance to ground
z_force = -1 * result;
IF (mouse_right == 1) || (key_x == 1) { store_strafe_mode = 1; } ELSE { store_strafe_mode = 0; }
IF (jumping_mode == 1) {
IF (result > 30) { jumping_mode = 2; }
IF (my.animdist < 40) {
my.animdist += 5 * time;
} ELSE {
my.animdist = 40;
jumping_mode = 2;
//IF (z_force > -20) { z_force -= 3 * time; } ELSE { z_force = -20; }
IF (jumping_mode == 0) {
IF (z_force > -20) { z_force -= 3 * time; } ELSE { z_force = -20; }
} ELSE {
IF (result < 30) {
IF (my.animdist < 80) {
my.animdist += 12 * time;
} ELSE {
my.animdist += 4 * time;
} ELSE {
IF (my.animdist < 300) { ///ORIGINALLY 40
my.animdist += 10 * time;
} ELSE {
my.animdist = 40;
jumping_mode = 2;
IF (z_force > -15) { z_force -= 8 * time; } ELSE { z_force = -50; } ///// CHANGED FROM 3 * time AND z_force =-20//////////////

IF (jumping_mode == 0) {
IF (key_x == 0) && (mouse_right == 0) {
} ELSE {
move_mode = ignore_passable + glide;
player_diff.x /= 3;
player_diff.y /= 3;
IF (key_w == 1) && (key_d == 1) {
player_diff.x /= 1.5;
player_diff.y /= 1.5;
IF (key_w == 1) && (key_a == 1) {
player_diff.x /= 1.5;
player_diff.y /= 1.5;
IF (key_s == 1) && (key_d == 1) {
player_diff.x /= 1.5;
player_diff.y /= 1.5;
IF (key_s == 1) && (key_a == 1) {
player_diff.x /= 1.5;
player_diff.y /= 1.5;

IF (key_shift == 1) {
player_diff.x /= walk_speed;
player_diff.y /= walk_speed;

IF (key_w == 1) || (key_s == 1) || (key_d == 1) || (key_a == 1) {
IF (key_shift == 0) {
my.animdist += 10 * time;
} ELSE {
my.animdist += 9 * time;
} ELSE {
my.animdist += 3 * time;
IF (my.animdist > 100) { my.animdist -= 100; }
} ELSE {
IF (locked_on != 1) && (locked_on != 1.5) {
} //so player rotates towards moving direction in air, if they are not locked on

my.SKILL13 = 1.5*z_force + max(1-0.5*0.7,0)*my.SKILL13; // original code veritcal speed
jump_z = TIME * my.SKILL13; // distance down
player_diff.z = jump_z;

// This is alot of code I've been experimenting, with no luck
//move_min_z *=.5;
//my.enable_block = on;
//move_friction = 0.5;
//player_distance.x = 5 *((key_w-key_s) || (key_a - key_d))*time_step;
//player_distance.x = sign(player_distance.x)*(abs(player_distance.x) + .1*player_feet_height); // adapt the speed on slopes
//vec_set(temp, player_moveto);//store my angle in temp
//vec_to_angle(temp, temp); //if (temp//transform it into a position/direction
//vec_scale(temp, 50);//scale it to get a position 50 quants in front of me
//result = c_trace(temp, vector(temp.x,temp.y, temp.z), ignore_me);
//if(result == 1)// if there is a ground within this distance, move
//if (c_trace(my.x,vector(my.x,my.y,my.z-5000),IGNORE_ME | IGNORE_PASSABLE | USE_BOX) > 0){
// dist_down = my.z + player_feet_height - target.z; }else {dist_down = 0;}// get distance between player's feet and the ground
//if (dist_down > 0) {dist_down = clamp(dist_down,0,accelerate(speed_down,5,0.1));}else{speed_down=0;}
//var dist_ahead;dist_ahead = 5*(key_w-key_s)*time_step;
//dist_ahead = sign(dist_ahead)*(abs(dist_ahead) + 0.5*dist_down); // adapt the speed on slopes
//c_move(me,player_moveto.x,vector(0,0,-dist_down),IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE);

//var dist_ahead;dist_ahead = 5*(key_w-key_saa)*time_step;
//dist_ahead = sign(dist_ahead)*(abs(dist_ahead) + 0.5*player_diff.z); // adapt the speed on slopes
//c_move(me,vector(,0,0),vector(0,0,0),IGNORE_PASSABLE | GLIDE); // move the player

//temp.z -= 4000; // calculate a position 4000 quants below the player
//trace_mode = ignore_me+ignore_sprites+ignore_passable+ignore_models+use_box;
//result = trace(my.x,temp);// subtract vertical distance to ground
//my.z -= result;

c_move(my,nullvector, player_diff.x, IGNORE_PASSENTS | GLIDE); /// Move my Player///

IF (key_ctrl == 1) { //you can set various keys here to for various combos, then set different movement_modes for the different animations and actions
temp.z -= 400;
trace_mode = ignore_me+ignore_sprites+ignore_passable+ignore_models+use_box;
result = trace(my.x,temp);
IF (result < 3) { //if we are on ground, not in the air
movement_mode = 100; //attacking
my.animdist = 0;
attack_state = 0;
IF (movement_mode == 100) {
while (my.skill23 <= 0) // the player is dead
ent_cycle("death",25); // play death frames animation
my.skill23 += .5 * time; // "death" animation speed
wait (1 );