Originally Posted By: Blink
i am actually offended by this comment.
so in other words he gets one because he's the first president with a dark skin color???

I do not think he got it because of his SKIN COLOR!!!!

He got it because of his contribution try to open doors ot other countries moving towards world peace, instead of bullying other countries the way Bush Sr. and Jr. and their administrations have done. Now, does he deserve a Nobel Peace prize, I don't know, but he didnt select himself, so people should focus on the givers, not the recipient! and yes, I am black!!!

I wrote that due to the laughable argumentation as to why he got the price. He didn't do anything really making him worthy of that price. In the end it seems like he got it because his party's ad campaigns gave him the "saviour role" giving the people a good feeling while the other thing is the symbolism when looking at his skin color. Without anything really well done what else can "co-operation between peoples" mean besides him being the personified symbol for an ending of the racist thinking? So his skin color isn't really a privilege or something that made him get the price (like when deciding who of the last 3 candidates is the winner saying "Oh look he has a darker skin - let's give him the price!") but it's still used as a symbolistic reason. That's why I said that he got it due to his dark skin color as it imo was outright said that way. It bugs me a bit because such a price should be about efforts and not what genes one has or what someone might do in the future. You won't give a Nobel Prize for physics to someone who might make a good discovery in the future because he seems to be extremely clever... laugh

Still it of course isn't the first time questionable people get that price so I guess it's about time to kinda ignore that price until there are decent changes on who may get such a price and the reasons why...

Enjoy your meal