A feature request: (correct me if this is not needed or already implemented, but I can't find it)

var enet_get_fsender(var FTransferID);

a function that returns the clientid of the client who _started_ the transfer.

The reason I need it: in the EVENT_FTRANSFER_ABORTED event, I need to know who started sending the file, to know which client I can now send a new file to, because there's no more transition going on now.

I have a workaround for now (saving the clientid in the file name, which i need to do anyways), but the function would be nice for the future.
Could be useful for other setups as well: in the other two file sending events, I know who the other client is (and in _STARTED I even know that this other client was the one starting the file transfer), so I can sortof figure out who the sender was (if I didn't send the file, it must've been him), but it's not the nicest way, and in the _ABORTED event I only receive a var of the one who aborted the transfer, which may have been my current client.

~"I never let school interfere with my education"~
-Mark Twain