Hello TA is still pumpin'!

Below is what is integrated into the game, followed by a youtube video if you dont want to read:

1. Light and Shadow: both an aesthetic and functional addition to the game. Being in shadow will make it harder for enemies to see you, requiring you to be closer to them to be detected.

2. Blast Armor: a new character stat used to reduce the damage done by area explosions. Does not reduce the damage of direct shell impacts. "Blast Stand", a natural buff given to certain unit types which increase their survivability when they are under 30% health.

3. Firestorming and Suffocation: Using your flamethrower, you can light up the grass surrounding your enemy, which can cause him to suffocate. Suffocating units will take extra damage if they are hit by a flame.

4. Big Units: a prototype, untextured mechanized unit is added to tune values for huge units. The "LM" here is a heavily armored mechanized armor, capable of player and AI controlled seeking missiles, double machine guns, heavy cannon and flame thrower.

Improved blood stains and effects, spent casings, "level gates", in level story dialogue, and two player coop!


Last edited by jumpman; 10/13/09 01:55.