Hey guys, thank you for the encouragment!

alpha_strike : Yes! you remember that stuff! Yea the game's codename is Tomorrow Armor, however it will change into something less specific to armor and tanks. The characters in the game have been the emphasis recently, however I cant get rid of the tanks. Playing a tank is noticably different than running around! (noticably powerful too)

alibaba : thank you! However in this video, the AI's arent really showing their stuff. There is just way too much going with them to detail in a quick little destruction video.

ratchet : yup! at the moment its deinitly a beta. Its a little embarassing for me especially since I am primarily an artist to have such botched together design. But it will change laugh

darkinferno : its the multi-texture terrain shader. There is a channel of the texture that uses the shadow writing function in the wiki to write in shadows onto the terrain. In the game, every AI traces to the sun position, and if the trace is a hit, the unit gets shaded.