Ok, I have 3 huge problems I can not get around. I am using the A7 with the A6 shooter template.

First, every time I add an enemy to the level in WED, assign the FPSAI_GUARD script to it that came with 3DGS, he floats. No walking animation, he just drifts along like some kinda ghost. And yes there is a walking animation to the model, even if I use the built in template models it happens. Also he is usually way above the ground, no gravity.

Second, I can not get volumetric fog to work. I have set the fog color in map properties, tried tinkering with the display script fog settings, and even tried coding it manually, no fog.

Lastly, tree trunks render in front of the leaves, enemi render in front of the grass, and my weapons appear in front of my HUD.

If anyone can help me solve these problems they can be my new best friend lol. No matter what I try I can not get these 3 bugs worked out. I just downloaded the updated A7 templates today, will see if those work.

Last edited by Sekse; 10/19/09 23:18.