Okay. Please let me know the thread with the evidence if you get the time, it can't exist as I know what I did best... using an illegal software is not what I did and not something I do.

If anything wrong I did... its installing the old trial version without realizing it was not the latest one. I did uninstall that and install the newest one from the official website as soon as I learned that.

Originally Posted By: Quadraxas
first of all, you shown evidence of warez versions on another thread.
second it's good that you switched to lite-c free, ask a moderator to replace your tilte or create a new account.(you know, with that title you wont get much help.)


Ahh is this the evidence? http://www.opserver.de/ubb7/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=35415&Number=289245 as on the thread, yes I was not aware of the new title as I have no reason to be, having done nothing illegal than dedicate time to learning something which I thought was worthwhile.

How sadly I was mistaken though, it was simply a waste of time maybe?

This is where I downloaded the latest version: http://server.conitec.net/down/gstudio_setup.exe

Last edited by gfxExp; 10/20/09 04:12.