Thanks Slin ( Long time no speak laugh ),

I agree the gameplay with enemies swarming the player is not exactly exciting or challenging, thankfully this is more proof of how the underlying game is setup, as I can tweak the enemies strength, health, damage and make it a bit more interesting in that respect... however thats a way off yet laugh

As for animations, you probably also noticed that at stages during the punch cycle the players avatar isnt walking. I've just started re-working the animation system to be based solely in bones, so I can blend walk with other anims...

Once this process is complete I will definatly create more animations which will make it more exciting...

The suit light is invisible in the video, but like you suggest its actually a small ball thats following the player, I like the idea of making it more visible and less locked to the players x,y...

Thanks for the comments, drop me a PM sometime

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