Originally Posted By: Damocles_
But there is simply no additional argument for it beeing the swine flu now.

People with a higher risk should stick to their normal flu shot. I'm sure many people won't ever risk getting swine flu.

I simply think its a hype about the name.

Yes, it clearly is. The media is all over normal flu deaths in our country. They instantly call every case a 'swine flu death', even though it isn't. There has been one case of a possible swine flu death, but its not even certain.

Additionally, the chances of getting better after a swine flu infection are very good. Many people won't even get sick to the point of being ever in a life threatening situation.

The media should say: there is a flu like every year,
get a vaccine (like you should get every year) to
pass a normal flu period like every year.

Yes, and I wouldn't trade it for the swine flu vaccine this year just because the media cause a proverbial panic, instead the normal flu shot will really be enough for those who've always needed that.

For everyone else, just make sure you go to see a doctor when you get a nasty flu.

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