Really good for a beginning; i like that a lot already laugh !
The characters even simple looks polished, good effects.

Dungeon tiles :
- allow with your own editor to incredibly quickly draw levels
- Easy to build AI on tiles properties and path serach

To optimise frame rate :
- Top view camera showing only some tiles
- Make bigger tiles
- make a system not allowing rotation camera (lot more power
needed) : titan Quest like

Another approach: Terrain with objects on top like :
Cliffs, water, buildings , trees, grass
- Fast
- Multitexturing
- Easy to create with Tools
Disadvantages :
- AI Path search more complicated, you will need waypoints

What counts will be the interface, animation and graphics laugh
Be inspired :
3D tiles games

Have you decided about RPG elements , power tree Diablo style ?
or more open system ?

You got a challenger for the little and very cool game Fate 2 !
Keep it up !

Last edited by ratchet; 10/27/09 22:20.