Originally Posted By: Enduriel
Looks nice, now make it check if nearby enemies = aware of threat, my state = their state grin

Thanks, a good idea, I should implement a grouping variable, as well as the team variable.

Originally Posted By: ratchet
Really good for a beginning; i like that a lot already laugh !
The characters even simple looks polished, good effects.

Thanks laugh
Originally Posted By: ratchet
Dungeon tiles :
- allow with your own editor to incredibly quickly draw levels
- Easy to build AI on tiles properties and path serach

To optimise frame rate :
- Top view camera showing only some tiles
- Make bigger tiles
- make a system not allowing rotation camera (lot more power
needed) : titan Quest like

This route ticks nearly all of the boxes but leaves a few holes that I am not keen on. Mainly dungeon style building like this often results in very familiar archietecture and for me somewhat makes all RPG's like this somewhat generic.

While this is far less labour intensive and could even generate new maps on the fly, I think the reward does not outway the cost of less generic maps.

It's still far too early for me to call yet, this is again why I am so focused on the core gameplay.

Originally Posted By: ratchet
Another approach: Terrain with objects on top like :
Cliffs, water, buildings , trees, grass
- Fast
- Multitexturing
- Easy to create with Tools
Disadvantages :
- AI Path search more complicated, you will need waypoints

After watching the 'Torchlight' video reference I have to say this fits my thinking for this title more than Fate 2 does. I really like the way that 'Torchlight' has a more freeform, organic feel, which makes the more traditional block approach less possible...

As you point out this also means that path finding will need to be more node based, but I am not completely against this although it would be great to have a quicker dynamic solution...

..between the devil and the deep blue sea!

Originally Posted By: ratchet
What counts will be the interface, animation and graphics laugh
Be inspired :
3D tiles games

While I am confident of my own art and design skills and think I will be able to design and build a good interface, I will certainly be doing a art-style guide later in the project and most likely will outsource this work.

You are not wrong though, while the Sci-Fi angle is a good approach the game still needs to stand out amoungst the crowd of RPG Action Adventure Diabloe clones, so I expect this to take up a lot of time.

That said, I have not even given this title a name yet, as I don't want to fall into any of the usual pitfalls, branching off to develop elements that are not really core game play.

Originally Posted By: ratchet
Have you decided about RPG elements , power tree Diablo style ? or more open system ?

I have some strong ideas about the tech tree and way in which power ups are going to exist, as the alien species have telepathic powers I can create some nice cross-over between teran and alien technology.

Using Alien Tablets and Artifacts, players will be able to suplement their powers, add new abilities and so on.

I have catered for 3 major known skills with upgrade levels and a system that should encourage players to mix and match these skill types to get powerful combinations: Thief, Assasin, Speed, Strength and other such 'Master Upgrades'.

With the class system implemented already and also XP points, levels and so on, I would like to see players gaining new skills over time and becoming better capable of doing damage...

In the new video the telepath class is more intelligent which helps him spot the player faster than the combat agents but are not so tough in combat...

A very simple and early example, but it's coming grin
Originally Posted By: ratchet
You got a challenger for the little and very cool game Fate 2 !
Keep it up !

Thanks for the support Ratchet.

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