The term threat is kinda though one, but if you think as "will kill all teh other engines" then I can say that no, it won't happen. Why? Because people don't like to use same style program. Granted with unity you can get games done easier than in gs(or in lite-c in my case -.-) but it lacks of that prograamming feeling that gs and sed has.

Also for me the "stone age" feeling is turn on because I have to use several programs in y project to achieve the results I want. (maybe I'm a bit weird?)

this is what i think gamestudio should do , ad some of these nice features , like shaders support to the free lite c , and keep it free.

totally agree. Maybe merge lite-c free and extra to same and give up from lite-c full and extra (And no, I wouldn't achieve anything with this because I'm buyin my license when my release comes closer)